Registration for Lay Academy Sessions normally occurs through an online form although paper copies have been accepted.
Payment is made online or via cheque (by mail or at the door).
Sessions are provided through a web conferencing, teaching and learning system which allows presenters to interact with their audience in real time.
Participants attend at a listed site or online from their home (limit of 30).
All past sessions were recorded and available for playback viewing at the
The Lay Academy consists of two streams of training:
General Education (open to all)
as well as Lay and Local Leadership.
In the General Education stream,
one to two 'live' large group sessions have been offered each year along with the courses available through LIFT.
The large group sessions involved multiples sites from across the four western Canadian Provinces
and Territories interacting with a live online presenter while also enjoying discussion led by a facilitator
at their local site.
Some of the courses for Lay and Local Leadership and the Authorized Lay Ministry program
will also be open to lay people not appointed
to be ALMinisters.
It all makes for a collaborative teaching
and learning experience!
Sessions and courses have been chosen to meet the interests and needs of the broader church as well as to fulfill the requirements of the Authorized Lay Ministry program.
The Lay Academy is a self-funding institute and it is your support through various means that allows us to continue to exist - to offer learning opportunities we hope you enjoy. Thank you in advance for your contributions to help us become financially sustainable.