Series One
FALL 2018
Nov. 17th & 24th
British Columbia/Yukon
Grace Lutheran, Burnaby
Our Saviour's Lutheran, Prince George
Deo Lutheran, Salmon Arm
Ascension Lutheran, Edmonton (Dr. Faith Nostbakken in attendance)
Hope Lutheran, Calgary
Messiah Lutheran, Prince Albert
Lutheran Theological Seminary, Saskatoon
Good Shepherd Lutheran, Saskatoon
St. Olaf Lutheran, Swift Current
Erickson Lutheran, Erickson
Grace Lutheran, Winnipeg
Hilldale Lutheran, Thunder Bay
Prayer is the foundational mystery and calling of our relationship with God.
It is God’s gift to us and our response to God. We long for it.
We may wonder how should I pray? How can I stay faithful to it? What are its benefits? How can I know God really has heard my prayers?
In November 2018, over 70 participants (including 10 home attendees) joined Dr. Faith Nostbakken online for discussion on these questions and a guided tour of Pathways to Prayer.
We looked at what it means to meet God in prayer, how our personalities may influence the way we pray, what Scripture says about prayer, and above all, how we might spend time together in prayer itself.
We will also considered the treasure of the Psalms as the earliest prayer book of our tradition, one that can still be a rich guide and source of prayer for us today in its broad range of emotions from praise to lament.
All relationships take an investment of time. Prayer is our opportunity to spend time with God who also desires to spend time with us.
Together let us never stop growing in experiencing afresh
our relationship with God.
"Dr. Faiths presentation and her use of words created a wonderful expression of prayer for the journey together. It was enlightening to hear the different experiences and depth of peoples prayers."
"It was very exciting to join in from home and very challenging to return to my personal prayer life."

Dr. Faith Nostbakken grew up in Saskatchewan and values her prairie roots. She has a Ph.D in English Literature from the University of Alberta and a Master of Theological Studies degree from Newman Theological College in Edmonton. She is an experienced spiritual director, a facilitator of retreats, and a member of the leadership team that trains spiritual directors at the Providence Renewal Centre in Edmonton. She is a diaconal minister of the ELCIC, an ecumenical officer for the ABT Synod, and member of Glory Lutheran Church in Sherwood Park, Alberta.
Facilitator: Nov. 17th, Saskatoon
Rev. Dr. Cam Harder served as a Parish Pastor for 16 years before joining the Lutheran Theological Seminary as a Professor of Systematic Theology in 1997, retiring in 2017.
He is the author of several books and the former Executive Director of the Centre for Rural Community Leadership and Ministry. Throughout his experience in rural communities, university classrooms, and church basements across the country he has learned we haven’t lost the desire to know a gracious God.
Facilitator: Nov. 24th, Winnipeg
Rev. Paul Sartison grew up on the doorstep of the Rocky Mountains, but has lived most of his life in Saskatchewan.
During his time there he served as a parish pastor in Rhein and Estevan, as a chaplain at the Parkridge Centre in Saskatoon and at the University of Saskatchewan. When he’s not too busy with the work of being a pastor at Epiphany Lutheran in Winnipeg, he’s likely to be found cross-country skiing (flatlands or mountains, it’s all the same to him!), cycling, making some music, or lounging around with a good book.